All students are expected to be reading their UNID-based email (, where UNID begins with a ‘u’) regularly to keep track of all official email correspondence directed at them. All communication with faculty or staff should always be contacted using an e-mail address.
Milestone Tracking
Each semester, students must update their progress in the Grad Tracking System. The expected milestones (PhD, MS) and probationary terms are listed in the student handbook.
Make “Good” Progress
In the event that a student is found not to be in good standing (a decision made by the Director of Robotics Studies based on reports from the advisory committee and grad tracking milestones – PhD, MS) one or more actions may be taken. For example, the school may assign the Director to counsel the student, deny opportunities to serve as departmentally funded TA, discontinue tuition benefit, or remove the student from the program.
PhD Completion time limit is 7 years. An MS degree must be completed by 4 years. Requests to exceed established time limits must be recommended by a candidate’s Supervisory Committee and approved by the Director of Robotics Studies and the Dean of the Graduate School.