The Robotics Undergraduate Certificate will provide knowledge for integrating hardware and software with algorithms to create the next generation of intelligent machines. An undergraduate certificate will enhance students’ undergraduate major with an additional credential in robotics.

Upon completion, the certificate will be printed on the student’s official transcript in the Honors and Awards section.

Undergraduate Certificate Requirements

(1) University of Utah undergraduate degree-seeking student (BS or BA)

          Undergraduate certificate may not be awarded without completion of an undergraduate degree at the University of Utah.

(2) Complete required pre-requisites (PHYS 2210 and MATH 2250 OR 2270 AND 2280) for certificate courses with a C or better PRIOR to enrollment in the certification

Students can potentially complete the certificate in the same amount of time as their B.S., if they plan their certificate courses carefully and complete their required project on time. Talk to your undergraduate major advisor and the Robotics advisor to coordinate.