Core Robotics Faculty

The Robotics Center is an Interdisciplinary Program in the College of Engineering, featuring faculty from the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and the Kahlert School of Computing, currently administered by Dr. Stephen Mascaro in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Robotics Graduate Student Coordinator is Kelly Pearson.


Research Interests


Jake Abbott
Mechanical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2005
Office: 2676 MEK
Phone: 801.585.6672
Google Scholar Citations

  • Magnetic manipulation
  • Medical robotics
  • Haptics and telemanipulation

Magnetic & Medical Robotics Lab
Location: 2156 MEK
(Ph: 801.581.3129)

Edoardo Battaglia
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. in Information Engineering, University of Pisa, 2018
Office: 1339 MEK
Google Scholar Citations

  • Haptics
  • Grasping and Manipulation
  • Wearable sensing
  • User studies
  • Human-centered robot design
  • Human-robot interaction

Daniel Brown
Assistant Professor
School of Computing
Education: Ph.D. in Computer Science, UT Austin, 2020
Office: 2172 MEB
Google Scholar Citations

  • Robot learning
  • Human-robot interaction

Jacob George
Assistant Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Education: Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah, 2020
Office: 2125B Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital
Google Scholar Citations

  • Brain-computer interfaces
  • Rehabilitation robotics
  • Neural engineering
  • Bioinspired artificial intelligence
  • Intelligent prostheses and exoskeletons

NeuroRobotics Lab
Location: LL140 Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital

Laura Hallock
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2021
Office: MEK 2339
Google Scholar Citations

  • Robotic assistance and rehabilitation
  • Neuromusculoskeletal sensing
  • Human–robot control interfaces
  • Machine learning and system identification

Tucker Hermans
Associate Professor
School of Computing
Office: MEB 2164
Phone: 801.581.8122
Education: Ph.D. in Robotics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
Google Scholar Citations

  • Robot learning
  • Robotic manipulation
  • Computer and robot vision
  • Robot perception

John Hollerbach (UURC Director)
School of Computing
Office: MEB 2196A
Phone: 801.585.6978
Education: Ph.D. in Computer Science, MIT, 1978
Google Scholar Citations

  • Robotics
  • Virtual environments
  • Human motor control

Hollerbach Lab
Location: 2196 MEB

Alan Kuntz
Assistant Professor
School of Computing
Education: Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Office: MEB 2162
Google Scholar Citations

  • Shared autonomy
  • Motion planning
  • Design optimization of manipulators and tentacle-like, flexible robots
  • Health care applications

Kam K. Leang
Mechanical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, December 2004
Office: 1348 MEK
Phone: 801.581.3450
Google Scholar Citations

  • Dynamic systems
  • Estimation, planning, and control
  • Multi-agent systems
  • Nanopositioning and scanning probe microscopy
  • Electroactive polymer actuators

Tommaso Lenzi
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Education: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy, 2012
Office: 3340 MEK
Google Scholar Citations

  • Wearable robotics
  • Powered prostheses and exoskeletons
  • Bionics
  • Rehabilitation engineering

HGN Lab for Bionic Engineering
Location: 3333 MEK

Steve Mascaro
Associate Professor (Lecture)
Mechanical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, MIT, 2002
Office: 1151 MEK
Phone: 801.581.7228
Google Scholar Citations

  • Robotics and mechatronics
  • System dynamics and control
  • Haptics, sensors and actuators
  • Human-machine systems

Mark Minor
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Education:  Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, 2000
Office: 2153 MEK
Phone: 801. 587.7771
Google Scholar Citations

  • Design, modeling, and control of mobile robots — ground based and under-actuated climbing robots
  • Robotic Educational Tools
  • Medical Robotic Instrumentation

Robotic Systems Lab
Location: 2030 MEK
(PH: 801.581.9018)

Faculty Emeritus

Haohan Zhang
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Education:  Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, 2019
Office: 2568 MEK
Google Scholar Citations

  • Design and control of wearable robotics
  • Assistive technology and rehabilitation
  • Physical human-robot interaction
  • Sensorimotor and biomechanics
  • Parallel mechanisms

Sanford Meek
Associate Professor Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Education:  Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, 1982
Google Scholar Citations

  • Biocontrol systems
  • Robotics

Affiliated and Auxiliary Faculty


Research Interests


Henry Fu
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Physics, University of California at Berkeley, 2006
Office: 2563 MEK
Phone: (801) 581-4119
Google Scholar Citations

  • Low-Reynolds number hydrodynamics
  • Biomechanics and biophysics
  • Complex biomaterials
  • Microrobotics

Yong Kong
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Education: Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Princeton University, 2015
Office: 1543 MEK
Google Scholar Citations

  • Additive manufacturing
  • Nanomaterials-based devices
  • Biomedical devices
  • Ingestible electronics

Yin Yang
Associate Professor
Kahlert School of Computing
Education: Ph.D. from University of Texas at Dallas
Office: MEB 3454
Phone: (801) 585-7594
Google Scholar Citations

  • Graphics, Vision, and Visualization
  • Simulation
  • Machine Learning
  • Robotics