The Robotics program is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and the Kahlert School of Computing. All Robotics faculty have their primary appointment in one of those three departments and any funding offered to you will come from the faculty or department.

Financial support comes in three basic forms:

Full RA or TA support requires 20 hours a week of effort. Full RA and TA students are eligible for a tuition waiver called Tuition Benefit. The Tuition Benefit will cover full tuition & mandatory fees (differential tuition is not included), which can be as much as $32k per year, assuming 12 credits per semester at the non-resident rate. Each semester, enrolled students will be required to submit a form to register for the Tuition Benefits Program.  You must be accepted to the Ph.D. or Masters program to qualify. The Robotics Graduate Student Coordinator will send out this form about a month prior to the start of the semester.

PhD students in the Robotics PhD program may receive financial support while they are in the program, conditional on good progress. Refer to departmental specific funding guidelines:

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kahlert School of Computing

MS students have the opportunity to apply for teaching assistantships with the departments, or approach individual faculty members about research assistantships. Typically a thesis master’s student will receive some type of funding from their faculty supervisor. Funding is typically not available for students completing a non-thesis master’s, but they can still apply for TA positions and approach faculty about RA positions and some may be available.

Graduate Subsidized Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) – TBP-supported students working in assistantships (RA, TA) may be eligible for subsidized health insurance (medical, dental, and vision), with premiums subsidized 100% by the institution (grants benefits budgets for research assistants, state instructional benefits pool for teaching assistants).