Dismissal from Research Group

If a student is not performing at the level of their advisor’s expectations, the advisor may dismiss the student from their research lab, following the faculty’s home department policies:


A Robotics student shall be placed on formal probation with the Robotics Program for any of the following:  

  1. An overall or semester GPA less than 3.0, per the Graduate School Policy
  2. Failing to meet milestones by acceptable date (PhD) (MS)
  3. Academic Misconduct (Policy 6-410)
  4. Sanctions for Student Behavior Standards misconduct (Policy 6-400 a -III-D)

Students on probation will have one semester to make improvements and must have mandatory counseling from the Director of Robotics Studies.

If the student is unable to meet GPA, milestone or conduct standards within one semester of probation, one or more actions may be taken. For example, the Director may deny opportunities to serve as TA, discontinue tuition benefit, or remove the student from the program. 

*Note: To graduate with a Robotics degree, a student must earn a B- grade (minimum) in all courses and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. See Student Responsibilities in the Graduate Handbook.