The Biocentric Robotics IGERT is completing its funding during the summer of 2013, so no new fellowships are being awarded.
If you are interested in robotics at the University of Utah, the College of Engineering offers fellowships, and support is available through working on research with faculty or assisting teaching classes.
The recently concluded University of Utah’s Biocentric Robotics IGERT supported traineeships in the exciting, interdisciplinary area of biocentric robotics. Our goal was to train promising young scientists in this rapidly growing field with a combination of early exposure to research, careful mentoring in pursuit of professional goals, and attractive levels of support. Trainees pursued their degree in the recently developed Robotics Track in the School of Computing or Department of Mechanical Engineering.
This National Science Foundation funded program (NSF grant 0654414, Carol Van Hartesveldt Program Manager), supported ten U.S. citizen or permanent resident trainees a year for up to two years each. At the end of the funded years, trainees were expected to transition to research or other university support. This project concluded in 2013.
The University of Utah is well known for its robots and robotics research and prides itself on the creation as well as the use of robot systems. Trainees were expected to benefit and contribute to this academic culture.