The NSF and NIH require students supported by their grants to receive training in responsible conduct in research (RCR). As such, all PhD students; and MS students who conduct research funded by NSF or NIH must receive RCR training by the end of their first year in the program. Details of these classes can be found at 

Across the research enterprise, understanding responsible and ethical conduct of research (RECR) is critical.  Colleges/Schools at the Univirsity of Utah, as well as the NIH and NSF require training about RCR. The Office of Research Education (REd) delivers classes, either  in-person and/or online, designed for faculty, staff, and students to customize their RECR education. REd classes are designed to meet or exceed all NIH and NSF requirements for RECR training. (Research Education, University of Utah)

RED 720: Foundations of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) – Student

NSF Guidelines for Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research
NIH Training Requirements