Title: Cooperative Encirclement for Multi-Agent Systems Speaker: Prof. Cammy Peterson
4/1/24 – 2pm in WEB L102
Abstract: Multi-agent systems (MASs) are valuable due to the advantages they offer compared to single-agent systems. MASs can increase areas of operation, provide time sensitive information, and produce high fidelity information. For example, a group of coordinating agents can provide different viewing angles on objects of interest for better target tracking and classification. This talk will discuss a decentralized method for using a MAS to cooperatively encircle moving targets. The method uses Lyapunov functions to derive control laws and is applicable to a wide range of MAS applications.
Bio: Cammy Peterson received her Bachelor and Master degrees in Applied Physics from Brigham Young University and Johns Hopkins University respectively. After which she received her Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Maryland. She also has extensive industry experience, mostly working at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, prior to joining the faculty at Brigham Young University in 2016. Her research is centered in the field of autonomy and cooperative control of heterogeneous groups of vehicles. This encompasses all stages of algorithm development ranging from the conceptual design to validating the implementation on hardware. Of particular focus is the development of decentralized algorithms to coordinate the accomplishment of mission objectives in cooperating groups of vehicles.