The Biocentric Robotics IGERT is headed by Dr. John Hollerbach and run by an interdiscplinary team of faculty from the School of Computing and the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The IGERT provides additional structure and guidance beyond a typical graduate program. New trainees come the summer before graduate school starts for a series of research experiences in IGERT faculty labs. This exposure is intended to accelerate the process of becoming an independent researcher and to help in choosing an advisor.
Once the graduate program starts, the Trainee will follow the requirements of the home department as well as those from the IGERT program. In addition to the home department Robotics track requirements, Trainees will take courses in Bioinstrumentation, Sensors and Actuators, and Advanced Mechatronics. Additional responsibilities will be participation in outreach activities to schools in the Salt Lake City region as well as other IGERT Trainee activities.
Trainees will receive counseling at the start of the graduate program from a two-person IGERT faculty committee. Once a trainee finds an advisor, the regular dissertation commitee will supplant the IGERT advisors.
Trainees will be encouraged to write and submit papers to leading conferences and journals. Some IGERT activities will provide additional guidance in paper and grant submission.
Internships are an encouraged possibility. We have ties with local robotics companies, such as Sarcos, as well as nationally known companies, such as iRobot, maker of the Roomba.
After two years of IGERT funding, the Trainees will be expected to transition to an RA in a research lab and be well-positioned for timely graduation.