Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC)

GSAC is run by graduate students to serve as a liaison between students and the department. They also organize events to build the graduate community and support our students. Contact the Graduate Advisor to start a Robotics GSAC! At this time, Robotics students are invited to join GSACs in our three engineering departments:

Computer Science GSAC
Electrical and Computer Engineering GSAC
Mechanical Engineering GSAC


Utah Student Robotics

Utah Student Robotics is a great place for students to get hands-on experience building a robot while competing in the NASA Lunabotics competition. We provide great opportunities for leadership, service, learning new engineering principles, and meeting other students.

USR is composed of 4 subteams: Mechanical, Electrical, and Software, which work on their respective systems of the robot, and Systems, which coordinates and facilitates the success of the other subteams. You can join any of the subteams that you would like, but most students only join one subteam.

We generally have general meetings with all subteams online on teams once a week. Sometimes these will be replaced with group events. We also have individual subteam meetings in-person once a week. These meeting times will be determined by poll at the beginning of each semester. There is no obligation to make every meeting, but meetings are very important for contributing to the team.

If you have any questions, please email us at



The RoboUtes are an interdisciplinary student organization based at The University of Utah. We invite students who are passionate about robotics or want to explore and learn about this field. RoboUtes is the place for students who are interested in learning and gaining hand’s on experience building robots. We at RoboUtes believe in original work and implement classroom knowledge into real world applications.
