MS Degree Tracking

Complete all of the following:

  • 21 course credits (12 required, 6 elective, 3-4 allied); AND
  • 2-3 seminar credits; AND
  • 6 credits of thesis or project or “mixed option” (combination of project-intensive courses, internship, or project)

Minimum total of 30 credits
6000 and 7000 level coursework required
Click on each section below for more details.

Core Course Requirement - 12 Credits

Complete at least one course from each core area:

Robot Mechanics Core Area (Required)

  • ROBOT 6000 | Robotics I: Mechanics | 3 Credits
    (Also offered as CS 6310 or ECE 6650 or ME EN 6220)

Robot Control Core Area (Required)

  • ROBOT 6100 | Robotics II: Control | 3 Credits
    (Also offered as CS 6330 or ECE 6651 or ME EN 6230)

Cognition Core Area (Choose 1)

  • ROBOT 6200 | Motion Planning | 3 Credits
    (Also offered as CS 6370 or ME EN 6225)
  • CS 6300 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 Credits

Perception Core Area (Choose 1)

  • CS 6640 or BME 6640 or ECE 6532 (cross-listed) | Image Processing | 3 Credits
  • CS 6320 | Computer Vision | 3 Credits

Required Core Area Credit Hour Sub-Total: 12 Credits

Elective Course Requirement - 6 Credits

Select 2 classes total from two different categories.

Core courses listed above that are not used to fulfill a core area requirement may also be considered.

Robot Mechanics Category Electives

  • ROBOT 7000 | Manipulation and Mobility | 3 Credits
    (Also offered as ME EN 7230 or CS 7310)
  • ROBOT 7010 | System Identification for Robotics | 3 Credits
    (Also offered as ME EN 7220 or CS 7320)

Robot Control Category Electives

  • ME EN 6200 or ECE 6615 (cross-listed) | Classical Control Systems | 3 Credits
  • ECE 6670 | Control of Electric Motors | 3 Credits
  • ME EN 6210 or ECE 6652 or CH EN 6203 (cross-listed) | State Space Control | 3 Credits
  • ME EN 7200 | Nonlinear Control | 3 Credits
  • ME EN 7210 | Optimal Control | 3 Credits
  • ECE 6570 | Adaptive Control | 3 Credits

Cognition Category

  • CS 6350 | Machine Learning | 3 Credits
  • CS 6958 | Robot Learning (currently special topics) | 3 Credits

Perception Category

  • CS 7640 | Advanced Image Processing | 3 Credits
  • CS 6353 | Deep Learning for Image Analysis  | 3 Credits
  • ECE 6530 | Digital Signal Processing | 3 Credits

Human-Robot Interaction Category

  • CS 6360 | Virtual Reality | 3 Credits
  • ROBOT 7400 | Haptics for VR, Teleoperation, and Physical Human-Robot Interaction | 3 Credits
    (Also offered as ME EN 7240)
  • ROBOT 6400 | Neural Engineering and NeuroRobotics | 4 Credits
    (Also offered as BME 6440 or ECE 6654)

Robot Design Category

  • ROBOT 6500 | Advanced Mechatronics | 4 Credits
    (Also offered as ME EN 6240)
  • ROBOT 6960 | Wearable Robotics (currently special topics) | 3 Credits
  • ECE 6780 OR CS 6780 | Embedded System Design | 4 Credits
  • ECE 6960 | Robotic Millisystems | 3 Credits
  • CS 6956 | Medical Robotics | 3 Credits

Elective Course Sub-Total: 6 Credits

Allied Courses - 3-4 Credits

Remaining courses to reach the 30-credit hour minimum requirement may be chosen from core courses and pre-approved electives above, supporting electives below, lecture-based engineering/science courses (e.g., excluding seminars, projects, thesis), or approved non-engineering/science courses. Subject to supervisory committee approval.

Supporting Electives (Recommended allied classes that complement robotics curriculum)

  • ME EN 6035 | Design of Experiments | 3 Credits
  • ME EN 6250| Object-Oriented Programming for Interactive Systems | 3 Credits
  • ME EN 6100 | Ergonomics | 3 Credits
  • ECE 6540 | Estimation Theory | 3 Credits
  • CS 6540 | Human-Computer Interaction | 3 Credits
  • ME EN 6410 | Intermediate Dynamics | 3 Credits
  • CS 6340 | Natural Language Processing |  3 Credits
  • ME EN 6205 | System Dynamics | 3 Credits

Allied Course Total: 3 Credits

Seminar Requirement - 2-3 Credits

Thesis students only complete both seminars (project and “mixed option” students complete only Robotics seminar):

  • ME EN 6890 or ECE 6900/6910-001 or CS 7930-001 | Department Seminar | 1 Credit (enroll in the seminar associated with your thesis advisor)


  • ROBOT 6800 or CS 7942 or ECE 6868 or ME EN 6892 (cross-listed) | Robotics Seminar | 2 Credits (enroll in 2 semesters for 1 credit each semester)

Seminar Sub-Total: Thesis students-3 Credits; Project or Mixed Option students-2 credits

Thesis, Project, or Mixed Option Requirement - 6 Credits

ROBOT 6970 | Master’s Thesis Research* | 6 Credits (enroll in your thesis advisor’s section)


ROBOT 6920 | Graduate Project** | 6 Credits (enroll in your project advisor’s section)


Mixed Option: Complete a combination of the options below for a minimum total of 6 credits

  • ROBOT 6920 | Graduate Project** | 1-6 Credits
  • Approved coursework with intensive projects*** See list below | 1-6 Credits

Thesis or Project or “Mixed Option” Sub-Total: 6 Credits

*Faculty mentoring and graduate committee supervision required for thesis completion. Students meet with committee regularly, prepare and defend thesis in a public presentation and exam. The majority of the three-person committee must consist of robotics faculty. Committee chairs may be regular or auxiliary COE faculty. Theses require rigorous scientific contributions and must be approved by a majority of the advising committee.

**ROBOT 6920 Graduate Project: 1-6 credits can be earned through faculty-advised projects, projects with a company, or projects with a student club. Projects must be approved by the Robotics Faculty, and students are required to give a short final presentation of their project(s) (e.g., during robotics seminar, at a conference, etc.).

***Approved Project Intensive Courses include:
ROBOT 6500/ ME EN 6240: Advanced Mechatronics
ROBOT 6960: Wearable Robotics
ROBOT 6200/ CS 6370 or ME EN 6225: Motion Planning
CS 6320: Computer Vision
ROBOT 6400/ BME 6440 or ECE 6654: Neural Engineering & Neurorobotics

Courses can be counted as part of the minimum 21 coursework credits. Students choosing to take project-intensive courses to fulfill the project requirement will need to take additional approved courses to reach the 30 credit hour minimum to complete the degree.